Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Is Anyone out there?

Just got a copy of information from Janet Jacobson. So, I e-mailed a couple of folks on the list (look to your left) -- to see if and how this weblog works. So -- Here is a stress test. I have just copied Janets thoughts. And will post them to see if they come through. Here goes:

Some Thoughts Regarding a State-wide Lifelong Learning Network

Mission of the Network

To promote older adult learning through a combination of program support, training, funding, technical resources, and collaborative project development, in order to provide mental stimulus for older adults and create educational assets for the community.

Core Values
1. Adults continue to learn throughout their entire lives.
2. Lifelong learning is an essential component of healthy aging.
3. Through lifelong learning, older adults remain mentally alert and meaningfully engaged in their communities.
4. It is critical for the health and survival of our communities to involve older adults in the consideration of public policy choices and the ethical, social, economic, and political implications of those policies.
5. Learning may be job- or career-related, or non-credit and non-vocational and can take place in a variety of settings.
6. Intergenerational learning opportunities encourage learning from multiple perspectives as well as respect for all age groups.
7. A network allows for local control, promotes local leadership, and encourages partnerships within the community, while also providing support and resources to groups within the network.
8. Network activity centers on encouraging communication, providing learning opportunities, focusing attention on the value of lifelong learning, and locating resources for the network and its members.

Potential partners and/or network members
1. Community colleges (through MnSCU)
2. Vital Aging Network
3. Community education
4. Public libraries
5. K-12 public schools
6. Senior and community centers
7. Communities of faith; seminaries
8. Senior housing, nursing home and assisted living facilities
9. Cultural organizations, including historical societies, museums, etc.
10. Key individuals working in the area of intergenerational programming

Possible Activities of a Lifelong Learning Network

(Similar to Vital Aging Network and MN Creative Arts and Aging Network: collaborative work, sharing information, promoting good practice, building partnerships)

1. Regular meetings (bi-monthly or quarterly?) to discuss trends in lifelong learning (e.g., funding, marketing, program ideas, resources, service opportunities, intergenerational programming) and to provide opportunities for networking.
2. Develop and/or publicize model programs that can be replicated state-wide.
3. Develop a statewide communication vehicle (e.g., website, newsletter) for groups and individuals interested in lifelong learning.
4. Provide consulting assistance for new lifelong learning groups serving older adults.
5. Advocate at both local and state levels for financial support for lifelong learning activity that enhances community assets; seek grant support for network and network members.
6. Organize annual or bi-annual workshop to provide training for educators who work with older adults.
7. Develop and maintain list of speakers as resource for program planning at local level.

Next Steps?

1. Select a name.
2. Define organizational status and membership structure/criteria for near- and mid-term.
3. Develop mission statement.
4. Develop goals for near- and mid-term.
5. Create steering committee to provide guidance, direction, and communication.
6 Plan May (Alexandria) and October (Duluth) meetings.
7. Consider ways to publicize current activities of local groups and their relationship to network.
8. Meet with representative(s) from MnSCU to investigate possible ways to partner with local community colleges and universities.


Kuma said...

Hi! This is Bob. A test to see if the interactive feature works! I can comment on this post if I wish to do so -- or I could go over the the list of names on the left and pull up Janet Jacobson's email address and send her a note directly.

The comment on this post will be sent to the "adminstrator" of this blog (aka Bob). The comment will also be available for anyone to pull up and read. All you need to do is push the "comment" word. To sign it -- you can use your real name or not.

Kuma said...

As you can see from above -- my tag name is "Nada". You can also comment on my comment.

Cool, huh?

JanetA said...

Hi Bob - thanks for posting my thoughts to the blog. I will encourage others to post here too if they wish.

Alexandria Community Education said...

This is Bernice Wimmer from Alexandria. The Blog is awesome. Just wanted to give you an adress update - instead of 715 Elm Street, please use PO Box 308. Thanks, Bernice

Steve Benson said...

Hi Bob,
the blog looks great. i particularly like the sunset -- I hope to be seeing a similar one over the Pacific from Mexico in a couple of weeks!
I have a new email benso006@umn.edu

skswsdm said...

Hi, Bob. Thanks for your work on this and providing us a place to share our thoughts.

For the Morris entry, it seems we gave you too much information, so please make the following changes:

1. Remove University of Minnesota-Morris. We collaborate with but are not a part of the university.

2. Correct the spelling of my last name to Simonds-Jaradat.

3. Remove my home address and phone number.

4. Correct work phone number to 320-589-4394x7.

Thanks again. I'm sure this site will become more and more useful.



Joyfully Jacki said...

Good Morning, Everybody!

Finally getting around to testing this whole thing out.

Look forward to our gathering again in May.

Have a wonderful day!


Pieps said...

Hi Bob.

The blog is great - thanks for taking the time to make it happen! Please change my address to 851 30th Ave SE, Rochester, MN 55904

I hope everyone is staying warm and sane this memorable winter!

US20 said...

Thanks Bob for encouraging us to try this technology for communicating. Also thanks to Janet for keeping us on track and planning ahead for our next meeting. I will post comments on my next visit to our sight. I'm just trying it out today. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Alexandria!